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Age Concern Southend is a small, independent charity based in Westcliff on Sea, Essex. We provide support, advice and services to older people in Southend and the surrounding communities.
Whether you are looking for new social activities to meet people, make friends, find a new hobby or exercise you are sure to find something in our hub. Or, if you are in need of our befriending service, wheelchair hire, dementia services or general advice – we can help. Find out more information on what is on offer
We also have our charity shop within The Community Hub, with many bargains to be had, including clothes, shoes, books and lots more, and KB’s at Millie’s Café is open Monday to Saturday, 9 – 4pm., serving hot drinks, delicious cakes and a variety of lunch time meals.
Our offices and community building, The Haven Community Hub is open Monday to Friday, 9am – 4pm 138-140 Hamlet Court Road, Westcliff-on-Sea, Southend-on-Sea, SS0 7LN. You can also get in touch by calling 01702 345373 or by emailing
Thanks to a generous grant received in December 2024 Age Concern Southend are close to securing the £1.2 million needed to purchase The Haven Community Hub, but we still need to raise £240.000 by September 2025 to make this dream a reality.
By purchasing the building the charity will save £90,000 annually in rent, and give us financial stability to expand our services and meet the growing demand to ensure we are there for those who need us most.
We would be very grateful for any donation you can make as every penny will truly matter. This will help us to secure the future of The Haven Community Hub and Age Concern Southend; helping your community live healthier, happier and more independent lives whilst continuing to develop a community where older people can flourish.
Volunteer with us at Age Concern Southend. We couldn’t do what we do without our amazing volunteers. We are looking for volunteers for various roles including face to face, telephone befriending and eBay Support. Go to the Volunteer With Us page to find out more.
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We’re always busy! Here’s a little bit about what we’ve been up to in and around Southend on Sea recently. See our News Page for more!
We are pleased to announce that we still have a few places available on our free IT support course. The […]
Huge thanks to the staff and customers of NatWest, Southend, who between them raised £1,100 by holding a cake […]
The Haven Community Hub was buzzing on Saturday afternoon with our city day celebrations. We all greatly enjoyed afternoon tea […]