Host a bake sale
Could you bake to beat loneliness? Host a coffee morning or bake sale or even a bake off to raise a few pounds and raise awareness of loneliness in our community. You can download our bake to beat loneliness pack below.
Bake to Beat Loneliness! Pack-compressed
Host an event or fundraiser
Run a bake sale, clothes swap or jumble sale! Charge an entry fee or ask for donations for your cakes or clothes for an easy way to raise some money for ACSOS.
Host a games night! Quizzes, race nights, board game tournaments, even 24 hour game-a-thons are a great way to get people having fun for ACSOS
Run a raffle! Raffles are an easy way of raising money at an event and can often raise more than the event itself! Talk to us if you have any questions about running a raffle in accordance with gambling regulations and how to approach local businesses for prizes.
Take part in a challenge
Join in with an organised challenge
event. Many companies provide open challenges such as treks, mountain climbs
and triathlons. Have a look online to find where you can get involved.
We cannot recommend any specific challenge sites but here are a few to get you started:
Action Challenge
Global Challenge
Discover Adventure
Make us your charity of the year
Are you part of an organisation or buiness that is looking to support a local charity this year? Speak to us about how your support could make a difference at Age Concern Southend. Please call us on 01702 345373 or email us on
Set up a Facebook fundraiser
You can now host a fundraiser for Age Concern Southend on your Facebook page. 100% of the money raised on Facebook goes directly to our charity. Visit our Facebook page on to find out more.
Our supporters raised almost £500 via Facebook in 2018!