Age Concern Southend AGM

We would like to invite you to our AGM on Thursday 17th December starting at 7.00pm

We would be delighted if you could attend so that we can let you know everything that has been happening over the past year, It has been an especially challenging time for us all and whilst things were extremely difficult during the first few months of this year, our charity has still achieved so much, and we will be reporting a very promising future.

Due to current restrictions, this year’s AGM will be held both in person and as a Zoom meeting at the same time. However, due to the need to meet social distancing regulations, seating at The Haven will be limited to 20 people. If you would like to attend in person, please let us know by 3rd December. Seats will be allocated on a “first come first served” basis. If there are no available seats, we will let you know by December 10th.

If you would like to join us I would be grateful if you could confirm your attendance by sending an email to and we will send out the agenda, supporting papers and details of the Zoom link.

We hope that you will join us, and I look forward to hearing from you


Kind Regards


Andrew Gardner – Chief Executive Officer



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