Dementia Week – Services at Age Concern Southend
Did you know National Dementia week runs from 15th to 21st May? This is a critical awareness raising campaign…
Every 3 minutes in the UK someone is formally diagnosed with Dementia and it is currently projected that one in three of us will live with Dementia at some point during our lifetime. Dementia is a major issue for local communities, impacting health and social care providers, businesses, transport services and the emergency services.
Age Concern Southend can help to relieve pressure on these services by providing quality care and advice from our offices and Day service, within the Haven Community Hub, Hamlet Court Road, Westcliff.
The Haven Community Hub
The Haven Community Hub is a ‘Dementia friendly’ environment with staff trained as ‘Dementia Friends’.
The Haven Community Hub is a great place for the whole community offering bookable classes tailored to the elderly and those living with Dementia and runs preventative classes to keep your body and mind active. Classes include body and brain exercises, fall prevention, chair pilates, supportive yoga, a Dementia friendly choir, and befriending social groups.
Keeping as active as possible can help relieve the symptoms of Dementia. Regular physical and mental activity can boost memory, self-esteem and help avoid loneliness and depression.
Day Care Service – ‘Days at the Haven’
Age Concern Southend’s day centre is located within the Haven Community Hub and is specially designed for those living with Dementia and other neurological disorders, such as Parkinsons and Stroke. The service is open Monday to Friday, and soon to be open on a Saturday. The trained staff and volunteers support clients as they enjoy a bespoke programme of activities, including ‘singing for the brain’, arts and crafts, games, music, dancing, VR dementia programmes, quizzes and reminiscing.
The centre is fortunate to welcome regular external visitors providing activities including multi-generational sessions with Hartbeeps, visits from local school, singers, drama groups and therapy animals.
Sarah Wilson, Day Centre Supervisor said ‘The service has proved invaluable to many since it first opened in August 2021 and continues to grow. I am so proud of what we do here, it’s so rewarding to see our clients so happy. The service provides stimulation, friendship and a sense of belonging for so many of our clients. It also provides safe and consistent respite for unpaid carers, plus support and advice if needed.’
For more information about the services Age Concern Southend offers, including free trials of our day service call 01702 345373 or email To learn more about the facilities and current availability, visit