ACSOS offers unique virtual reality experience for Dementia clients

We are excited to announce the purchase of two virtual reality headsets, thanks to Skipton Building Society Charitable Foundation.

We believe we are the only Dementia Day Centre locally offering this unique immersive experience. These headsets will allow our ‘Days at the Haven’ clients to experience a virtual word where they can let their imagination run wild. There are a wealth of experiences available to explore together. They can visit beaches, major tourist attractions, calming forests, relive their youth through 1930-1950 experiences, listen to calming music as an audience member, sculpt and paint, play dementia friendly games and relieve famous sporting events…all from the comfort of an armchair.

What’s more, staff can also use specialist apps that allow us to experience the world of someone living with Dementia – a great training and support tool.

Pam Harvey, Day Centre Manager said “Through using virtual reality tools, we can learn more about our clients lives and provide them with a fun and exciting new experience.  This is a truly unique and innovative offering for the Day Centre and we really hope the equipment will stimulate our clients to recall old memories and prompt wider discussions in the group. We are continually looking for new activities and facilities to provide our clients and enrich their experiences. We can’t wait to see them enjoy these too. ”


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